Sunday 29 April 2012

Poem by Sphena Nombuso Myaka 

Yuu only had a place on the heart of ma thoughts

When both our eyes observed and turned our thoughts beautiful;
When our hearts attract
... Why? ..
Cause they two different hearts
(Tha opposite attracts)

I'm in a total different situation
*I'm with an empty heart
* A fragile heart
* A lost heart
And an empty soul
And yuu attract all of tha above with yuur colourful soul and high energized heart ready to fill up mine ...
With every word yuu let slip your

With every electric touch that made ma blood rush;

See I had told yuu I was with an empty , lost , fragile heart ..
So yuu knew exactly what to do and you did it right ..
So at thus point , felt like I had have everythang in life , with juss only you in it
... Why? ...
Cause you tha one I'd call everyday , knew every single detail bout I .. And felt so good;
The one I'd run to in times of fear and teary moments.. ;
You'd let me fall into your arms;
Place your finger under ma chin and pull up ma face .. Tell me you here , right there so I aint gotta worry
And afterwards let me wear thus huge smile .. Brought light fugitivly

Until thus one day I .. I had found out I weren't tha only you did tha exact to;
Then suddenly .. Power shuts down ..
Em lights go off;
I fall .. Buh no yuu didn't catch me thus time around ;
And then tha heart gets empty by tha minute and I hear it breakin' as I lay there starring at tha roof top;
I am with no power , ma world juss shut
.. Come next morning;
I awaken ; only ta realize I had put yuu all up on ma head , the heart of ma thoughts and tha soul of ma physical hence I'm still breathin and livin happily ever without yuu;
... Why? ...
Cause somebody else is appreciatin what yuu didn't ..
Don't get mad now!
#Blows a kiss and walks away#

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