Thursday 12 April 2012

The 90 day rule..

Do girls really wait 90 days before they start having sex with their partners?

I was looking for one of my files from my book box when Steve Harvey's book fell out and I remembered one of the very interesting topics when I once read it back in 2009. Steve Harvey wrote about the 90 day rule in his book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man".

In my own understanding I would define the 90 day rule as the waiting period that starts from when you date a guy till the time you decide to have sex with him. This rule is nothing new. I remember a whole episode of Girlfriends being devoted to this where the character Joan revealed her rule about not giving it up to a man until after the 90 day wait period.
Steve Harvey bases this on when you start a job you generally have to work for 90 days before you are eligible for the benefits. He says that women should wait 90 days before they start giving up their benefit package.

Here are the responses I got from my fellow Durbanites when I asked them if that rule still exists:

"Girls don't usually wait that long because they believe that you will automatically lose the guy. There is also this idea that relationship is about having fun and that fun goes along with sex." Snonzah.

"Believe it or not I made my boyfriend wait for the whole year." S.K

"They don't event wait for a month. Majority will engage before 90 days. 90 days is tooooo much." Nana

"Any anyone that waits may be setting themselves up for a big disappointment." C

Why 90 days? I mean can’t you tell before that if you can't deal with him?

“I already know he is a good guy and that I want to be with him. I’m just giving him time to realise that ain’t a girl out there better than me. Time to cut all his Plan B chicks! Men are slow to see what’s right in front of them.” Zama (from Skoolboi's Playground)

But does it really have to be 3 months?


  1. it all depends on whether u are in it for love o for fun

  2. "I think thats why most dudes"Hit it and quit it" because chances are u made him w8 4 wack choochie. Y wait for something we both want? Lol"

  3. let people do their own things and leave them the f*** aln

  4. i dont think it should be timed,dig in nd enjoy,lol but certainly not on the first date! unless u just in it for the shagg
