Monday 23 April 2012

Racism On Social Media!

Ken Sinclair status: Seriously, seriously, seriously had enough of the blacks in this country. Arrogant fucking swines, and I will make it my facebook status because I want them all to know. You are all fuck all without whites, you would still be in your little mud huts. Go on as if we owe you everything, we owe you shit! Expect everything for nothing and have the biggest attitudes I have ever come across. You will all fall short sooner or later…karma Ya like every fucking day u walk along and mind your own business and they walk straight into u as if they own the place, no decency to walk behind one another, in their mind the white must get out the way. Wherever you go they stand and stare you up and down as if youre some piece of shit. They always skinner in their retarded language. Their attitudes towards things are a joke, by far the laziest people I have ever come across. You go to the UK, the black people there are decent, its just these local SA fuckers that are so stuck up. And its bullshit man, its racism on another level, yet if a white says anything about it we are now “racist”. Fuck them, theyre the biggest bloody racists. And no I wasnt status bombed, if youre a darkie lover then go fuck one

If you arent a racist, go spend a day at Cape Tech, in town, you will wana join the KKK when you are done. Fucking brain dead monkeys

comments by others: All i will say ryt now, is ur opinion on the world changes seeing it from different eyes, u are fully entitled to ur opinion, and anyone that attends our tech will know it, no matter what race you may be, there is a different breed out there ruining our education and our complete matter of being.
yeh maybe this isnt the ryt way to spit it out there, but ken has a point. Dont let it get inbtwn gud ppl tho?? ANYWAY. aslong as they not striking as usual:)

His reply: Exactly Sam…all I’m trying to say is that it was always seen as whites being the racists, yet no one considers them being the racists? Theres something about university students that I just cannot take. Old black people, that actually suffered the shit of apartheid, are possibly the nicest people you can come across, humble, kind old people. But these youngsters of today seem to think that they are owed everything, yet they didnt even go through it. And people that havent been to varsity cant have a say because they arent exposed to it. But they seriously seriously are ruining our education and our country. And its about time we speak up man

other comments: Tomorrow will be better day Ken. 

his reply: I hope so Ange..this week has been so kak so far…purely coz of being around them

other comments: The students at UCT in Res are some of the most dedicated… Way more dedicated than any of the other students…

his reply: good for them

other comments: taking freedom of speech to a new level!!

his reply: Ya needs to be said. People are to skaam to open their mouths
other comments: Ken, I know how you feel brother, I studied at the Belleville campus, was the worst, don’t let it get you down though.

his reply: haha ohhhhh shit! That place needs flood lights on to see where you going. Dunno how you managed that

other comment: I didn’t, that whole place is going to fucking hell. So glad I left. So much happier dude.
his reply: hahaha Alex!! Ya man, I’ll just stick it out, not too long left

“Sometimes i just wanna pull out a fucking pump-action shotgun and do the deed.FUCK”

A reply by Anna: “ken with all respect, your status and consequent comments are riddled with generalizations and racist ideology. there is a difference between freedom of speech and hate speech. your misguided views encroach upon the dignity of an entire group of people, which shows your intolerance and arrogance. and your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance. your blanket generalizations made from your seemingly petty observations have no legitimate ground. your insinuation that this country belongs to white people and that the presence of black people is an encroachment of your right to it is rather ignorant. it shows your deep lack of understanding of the history of this country. quite frankly if you have these negative views, perhaps your presence in the UK would be welcomed. just to recap your words about “blacks”, “arrogant fucking swines” “fuck all without whites” “retarded language”. the irony of these words showcase your white supremacist indoctrination and lack of real education. emancipate your mind!”

His reply: “ya because blacks are idiots. just cause you cant get white guys doesnt mean you must now hate on us? if youre stupid enough to believe whites arent supreme then it shows your lack of knowledge…what has a black ever invented? Rome 2000 years ago was more advanced than Africa today…so maybe you need to brush up on your knowledge? But you like having sex with blacks, which in my view is fucking disgusting, but thats my opinion so whatever, go fuck some more blacks”


This post is taken directly from: Ceoplatinumbarb's Blog.
Just another site.
Above is the racist rant found on Facebook! Please forward this to everyone you know and take a stance against open racism and hate speech on social networks! View the link for more comments by Ken Sinclair when he justifies himself.


  1. My word!!!!!
    Really now Sinclair.....?

  2. If he's so fed up with blacks why not relocate to ur own world because I c nothing beta about u either..

  3. you go to hell boy

  4. You must just go flush yourself down the toilet pit man .Thats it...

  5. Go to Europe if you feel Black people make life so unbearable. Case closed!

  6. This is one crazy dude shame he needs to be strong we are here to stay,From siphokazi Mangaliso

  7. clearly this this dude come from a fucked up family. lmao

  8. go to the nearest toilet and shit,shit,shit Boy....

  9. fucken racist

  10. im guessing Ken Sinclair is just and unhappy soul with a self esteem problem, you are just a racist idiot who is very bitter about your own short comings. it is nobodies fault that you have a fairer complexion as you seem to be very worried about colour. i really sorry for the people surrounded by your ignorance.

  11. white people are the children of Satan, the result of aliens or fallen angels mating with the daughters of god()That is why they are destructive, hateful, selfish and alien looking. Go to europe this is Africa, thanx for the infrastructure and the economy and all the other bullshit nonsense that has destroyed our paradise , you can all fuck off now, children of lucifer

    1. That right there is another slur. That is enough to get you in trouble as well. Principles of Criminal Law. You are not making yourself any better then him. You cant equalize all white people by the behaviour of one persons opinion. Get your facts straight before you try and "justify" your opinion.

    2. Your response to Ken isnt any better. You too come across as a racist and the content can also be perceived as HATE SPEECH. Why should you be classed any about Lucifer, NO CHILD OF GOD WILL TRASH ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I am more convinced now that whites must never be given power in my south Africa again. I woul rather live in a society of corruption and poverty than be insulted like this. Just because the other students are not bowing to him, (like he is used to his gardner who he calls a garden boy, even though he is old enough to be his father), he sulks and insults an entire race.
    I will not let this decide my attitude and retaliate in insulting language, that would make me as stupid as he is.
    What I will hold in my heart and take joy in, is the knowledge that my vote matters, and my vote decides who "falls short"

  13. lol this is some bullshit. ahhh anyway... you are all a bunch of losers. I wonder how I got onto this site. there are more important matters to attend to besides wasting my time skimming over some f*ggots personal issues

    1. You where not supposed to say anything if you don't know why you are here instead of insulting people not knowing that you are indeed the loser.

  14. Its a sad day for Africa.Clearly the blood and sweat of our forefathers was for nothing if even us, young as we are, cannot seem to get liberated in our thinking. This is not only directed at Ken Sinclair< who cleraly is ignorant and therefore requires extensive education>, it is directed @ every black child who allows their anger to make them haul insults at such stupid and senseless words.our job is not to become one of the many Kens, because if this is the case then the likes of Biko fought in vain as we are still in bondage when it comes to our thinking. Our job is to use Ken as an example that the race factor is not going away and by merely ignoring it or pretending that we are not different, our government is breeding little racist monsters like Ken who lack any knowledge whatsoever. We therefore have to start engaging in extensive conversations, lengthy ones even, which looks @ these very things that make us different and educate little Ken. Scrap my opening line-on the up side,our little uneducated friend might have started a whole lot of learning and educationg that is much needed in our country and has been avoided up until now.

    1. whoever you are, I agree 100%...How are we as YOUNG South Africans meant to go forward if all we focused on is what others think and say....If we are as liberated as we profess, then why should some idiot, uneducated nobody have the last say. By his statement, everyone of colour is now bashing whites and that makes them any different HOW?? Much to their demise, they arent any different.

  15. In God's eyes there are no whites or blacks, so help us Lord to see things your way and help those that needs help. And please create humanity and love within us. In God I pray and trusts. Amen

  16. This guy is stupid. He is still studying and who does he think will hire him after this: the BLACK HR Manager nad general senior management in the panel (who will most probably be BLACK)who will most likely be in his interview with all the decision making power in the world? Certainly won't hire him. Not smart at all young man. Not in this day & age. Have fun being unemployed!!!

    1. He's smarter than that. He'll go to Europe of course. Like his buddy Daryn Bradley that says we're all the same all over the world.

  17. Dear Ken please learn to spell. U is actually spelt you, as for the grammar you can not start a sentence with the word and. You claim the uneducated ones are africans... Really ?

  18. I understand that he is fed up. People all around South Africa are racist, but not all of them. Me personally, I would rather die then be a racist, it doesnt benefit you anything in life and it wont change anything. I hope he understands the level of damage that he has put himself into and that he is man enough to acknowledge it. Slurring each other with racially is inappropiate and against the law. This could range into a huge defamation case and could cause himself multiple damage. Dont let it affect you. If you know that you are better then what he says, then it should flow off like water on a ducks back. - Megan(PixxyOrchid)

  19. This blonde blue-eyed, breath-smelling devil needs to learn that there is nothing he would do to make Blacks disappear, not even in Orania.
    All he needs to do is to leave us be. Sadly where he chooses to go, there will be other nationalities that will also annoy his pathetic pride. Then there will be God, Who will allow us to watch him burn in hell.

  20. Nothing to sy to u;U r jst a sck man dat all.Kll urslf man thn u wll hve a good peace in lyf

  21. U may be white in colour, but u r nothing to us, go bck wre u frm u dnt belong hr

  22. This is the legacy left by apartheid, a legacy of hate and segregation. These are just conversations that he probably grew up listening to around the fireplace at his home. It is sad, but not unexpected. The undertones of racism are strong in the air, all we can hope is that it is just the teething issues of a young democracy. Let us pray for the best!

  23. Immature freak, This kind of things also gives the reflection of how a person thinks. Why do you think they call South Africa a RAINBOW nation??
    Is that how your parents grew you up??
    Why take us back while we moving forward??
    Did you expect to be respected by black?? sorry boet we all equal here, What there to respect in this post of yourss


  25. Lol! de dude must be shi
    ting his pants off were ever he is, im sure he wishes he could turn back de hands of time and take back all of that shit he wrote about us, shame i almost feel sori for u boy. Lol!
