Tuesday 22 May 2012


Over the past decade we have seen many beauty and fashion trends come and go. When we look back there are some trends to this day we wish we never laid eyes on or even wore. Fashion trends are there to be followed but keep in mind that at the end of the day it is all about self  expression and individuality (you wear what you are most comfortable with).  There are some fashion trends that we wish we could wear forever. Well, some things will never  go out of fashion because they are classics and they are here to stay. Jucy is reviewing some of the beauty and fashion trends that are cool and we wish to see them come back again and again and  also some not so cool ones that we never want  to see again.

Beauty/Make- up trends we love:

The red lip:

The full brow:

The clean, fresh make up:

Beauty trends we don’t want to see:

Hungry look lipstick with a black eye liner

colored eyeshadow gone wrong

shaving off eyebrows then drawing them back on

Fashion trends we love to see :

High waist jeans:

Color blocking
The animal print

Trends we don’t want to see ever!

Jelly shoes

Reversible jackets

 and Overriding thongs…..

I'm sure we all recognize all of these trends and cringe everytime we see the ones we consider don'ts!! If any of your friends or family members are still very keen on the don'ts its best you find a very pleasant way of saying "That used to be so cute back then" without hurting their feelings LOL. Gud luck n keep looking super phly Durban Bellas!!!

adapted from an article from Jucy Africa :)

Thursday 17 May 2012

Interview with Eleigh Kheswa
Fashion Blogger behind Eleigh's Kist>> http://www.eleighskist.blogspot.com/! Loocha Magazine Ambassador! Juice, Candy & Food Freak! Aspiring Fashion Stylist & Businesswoman!
                                                    Live • Love • Style

Q:   Tell us about yourself?

Eleigh: My name is Neliswa Kheswa but I’m popularly known as Eleigh. I’m from a little township in the South Coast of Durban called Magabheni. I have two younger half-sisters. I am a student from the University of KwaZulu Natal currently studying towards a degree in Environmental Management.
Q:  Describe yourself in less than 10 words...
Eleigh:  I’m all things fashion!
Q: What does blogging mean to you?
 Eleigh:  I started blogging as a hobby because I love fashion, dressing up and looking good at all times. Having a blog is the most exciting thing ever. When I get an email or a comment from one of your viewers telling me how much they love my style and the fact that I affordable clothes on the blog.  I’m also on Twitter and Facebook, although I mostly use my Facebook for promoting my blog rather than personal networking.
Q: Your inspiration is...
Eleigh: I’m inspired by bloggers like Solange Knowles, Olivia Lopez and Aimee Song. Their style is AMAZING and they are also talented in the arts in general and not just fashion. What keeps me motivated is seeing bloggers like the ones I mentioned and striving to get to where they are today. I’m also motivated by people who believe in me and trust that I have potential to do something great.
Q:  Which time would u say was the hardest in your life?
Eleigh:  I would have to say the hardest thing I have had to deal with is finding a reliable photographer. It’s hard being a fashion blogger when you don’t have a camera of your own and having to rely on others to take pictures for (of) you.
Q:  Taken?
Eleigh: Lol Yes I am taken. I’ve been in a committed relationship for 4 years now and he is a wonderful man! He has been very supportive with my blog and trying to get my views up, he has truly been amazing.
Q: How many times have u been properly inlove?
Eleigh: I am deeply in love right now! I can’t explain it. It’s one of those things that you have to experience for yourself and then you will know.
Q:  The last time u were at church was in....
Eleigh: The last time I was in church was during the Easter Weekend at St. Brides Anglican Church.
Q: Ever had a rumour spead about u?
Eleigh: Rumours? I don’t pay attention to those!
Q: What are your short term goals?
Eleigh: Apart from working in the environmental industry I also want to study something within the arts department. In terms of my blog… I see myself travelling to fashion capitals and exploring their fashion industries, learning more about fashion and buying. Attending all the fashion shows and getting front row seats! Lol quite a dream huh? I also want to open a boutique sometime in the near future.
Q: What are your long term goals?
Eleigh: Being successful in whatever I do and enjoying it. Having a wonderful marriage and a beautiful family to go home to everyday. Nothing beats that!
The end.
Interview by @Q_Canyeel for @DurbanBella. Eleigh is on twitter @Eleighs_Kist

Monday 14 May 2012

Open Letter To Katlego Danke’s Weave...

I've heard some of my mates complain about "Dineo's" weave and I really wanted to let Durban know that you are not the only ones that are worried.

Reblogged from Just Curious
Source: http://www.justcurious.co.za/2012/02/open-letter-to-katlego-dankes-weave/

Written in February 29, 2012 by   

Dear Katlego Danke’s weave.

For me to sit down and actually write this letter to you, its either I’m bored and have no life at all, or am traumatized beyond belief. I would like to believe it’s the latter.
First things I would like to know;
  • “What are you?”
  • What is your ambition in life?
  • Do you have goals?
  • Is there anything you want to achieve in life?
Your situation is currently not “relaxed” at all.

Your bonding is certainly not making anyone bond with you right now, even that lady whose head you are laying on is not bonding with you because you have managed to make her look like Abigail Kubheka and Thandie Klassen’s peer. Actually those two legends look younger than Miss Danke at this current point in time.

What you are doing should be made illegal, as you are not only torturing that beautiful lady’s face, but you are also torturing a whole nation every day of the week at 8pm.

For a whole year you looked like a helmet and everyone got used to you and forgave you, but now you have taken it too far.

You have more highlights than an episode of “Soccer Zone”. I have seen a brewing pot of Chakalaka that has more order and better synchronization than you. What you are doing is called abuse, The other day I had to call POWA.

I told the lady from POWA; “Madame! Madame! there’s a woman on my screen who is getting beat up by her weave everyday an, and no one is doing anything to help her. “  They said they’d look further into the matter.

I felt that was not enough; I then called the SPCA and told the man who answered the phone; “Sir! Sir! There’s this beautiful lady who’s walking around with this animal on her head, I think it’s an endangered specie that everyone thought that had gotten extinct during the “Ice Age”.

They also said they’ll look into the matter.

The struggle that is happening on Kay-Dee’s head is really unjust, Hector Pieterson and the youth of the Apartheid era did not die for “The Struggle” to continue on Katli’s head, and I’m afraid their spirits might just rise and go riot outside the Generations studios, so therefore this situation should be declared a state of emergency.

I honestly refuse to believe that you are South African and therefore will also call Home Affairs to check whether you are legally here in the country, because we already know that you are situated illegally on Katli’s head.

At least when you were shaped like a helmet, we all took a comfort in knowing that if Kay-Dee ever decided to be a biker chick, she would always be safe and protected, but now you are un-safe for all.
I hear that last week one blind lady miraculously got her vision back but unfortunately her eyes opened up while watching Generations and the first thing she saw was you, reclining unfortunately on Katli’s head. The poor woman asked to be blind again, with immediate effect.

Enough is Enough! If this situation is not sorted out as soon as possible, I will have no choice but to ask Mercy Phakela to perform a one night only extravaganza to raise funds for you to get a nicely laid Lace-front wig.
In the meantime I have asked my people to negotiate with Bonang Matheba to donate  some of her “Diva Devine” left-overs.

Oh dear weave you have really hurt my feelings more than you have hurt Katli’s face.

I know that she gave up good hair for lent, but her lent has been going on for over two years now, I’m sure even the lawd will agree with me; Its time to move on to good hair.

I will pray for you more than I pray for myself.

Sincerely yours.
Concerned Citizen Zamani Khethelo

Friday 11 May 2012

SAMA Fashion 2012
I was'nt going to rest without showing off these #SAMA18 pics especially because most of us didn't see Somizi's outfit.
Source: www.justcurious.co.za
By: Brown Shuga

Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Responses from the Racist acts on Social Media!

After Jessica Leandra's tweet that included the 'k' word, as South Africans, and especially Black South Africans, we have become more sensitive towards issues of race.

Model Jessica responds.

source: The citizen Online.

Former FHM model Jessica Leandra Dos Santos has apologised for “bringing the nation to its knees” with her racist tweets.
JOHANNESBURG - Former FHM model Jessica Leandra Dos Santos has apologised for “bringing the nation to its knees” with her racist tweets.
Leandra was responding to an open letter by DA national spokesman Mmusi Maimane who had invited her to his home to challenge her racist views.

The model who has come under fire for her rant on social networking site Twitter said she   intended to mend her ways and ensure she restored the trust of all South Africans.

Responding further to Maimane she said: “having read your letter in great detail I am most willing to embrace your idea believing that you have it in your heart to help me bring healing to this matter.

“I beg of you that this should not become a party political issue. If this is what it is going to turn out to be then I am regrettably not interested.”

Dos Santos said this did not start off as a political debate and should not become one now.
“If anything, this needs to become a healing process and a process of uniting the nation back to where we were a week ago,” said the model.

She also appealed to Tshidi Thamana who had responded to her tweet with a racist rant of her own by asking her  to embrace this opportunity and walk this road jointly with her.

“I know in my heart that you too don’t harbour the hatred that you displayed on Twitter in response to my ludicrous and irresponsible tweet.

“Together we can do a great deal for our nation,” she pleaded.
In conclusion Dos Santos said she looked forward to working with Maimane.
“Together we shall achieve,” she added.

Ken Sinclair responds.

Source: Ceoplatinumbarb's Blog 
Can everyone, namely Anastasia, the people against my status and the creator of this blog please read this:
I want to clear a few things up, because this is all been taken way out of proportion. I understand that how I wrote the status and portrayed black people in South Africa was not the correct way to do things. I honestly meant NO harm by creating this status, I was simply in an outraged mood yesterday when I made it because of how many black people at my university have been treating me lately. It seems as though racism is very rife towards whites in this day and age. No one should try and argue with this point as I know A LOT of white people who will share stories of how they have been treated, whether it be by fellow peers or the people who should be protecting us – the police.

People who are not white cannot comment on this next piece you simply would not know what we go through. When I walk around, whether it be at Varsity on on the streets, I am always the one who has to move off the pavement or out the way so that black people can walk past, they never EVER have the decency to walk in single file, rather they will walk straight into you. I was walking with my bag over my right shoulder a few days ago and saw people coming, so I thought to myself, oh gosh, another wall of people coming at me and literally thought let me brace for impact as I had no where to go in the passage…just as I thought, BAM straight into me and knocked my bag right off my shoulder and then I get shouted at by them in Xhosa, and looked at in a disgusted way. I think this is pathetic and no matter what your skin colour you should always have common courtesy to walk in single file rather than straight into someone when you can clearly see there is NO space to walk side by side. This is just ONE example out of many many occassions!
This was my last straw and is what made me post that status in absolute rage.

I know this is not an excuse but every single black person (around my age) seems to have no decency toward me at all, even though I have done nothing to provoke this, and I dont see why I should keep putting up with this and its not seen as racist towards me?

The same with the police, I was walking down one of the streets in the southern suburbs with another good friend of mine a couple of weeks ago at around 8pm, still light, and was told by a cop van to stop. So my friend and I looked at each other and thought what is going on? Maybe a burglary has happened and they suspect us? We went towards the cops, they told me to put my hands by my side so my friend and I laughed thinking this was some sort of joke, the second I laughed, the one black officer drew his gun (this is dead honest, I have a witness) and said you dont take me for a joke, I can shoot you! I was in absolute shock and obviously never reported it as I would be going straight to where they work and get laughed at. I told my parents, and my friends dad as he is a lawyer, and he told us both to just leave it, its not worth the unnecessary hassle.

Another occasion, over the past few months we have had numerous items, such as extension leads and drills stolen from our property, one got caught by combat force, he had dropped the lead so we had no proof of him being caught red handed but the combat force officer saw him running from our property, this thief was a black man.

This is a prime example of people wanting everything for nothing! Why must my parents, and myself work hard for our money to have some guy come take our stuff for free?
Last year, I needed a small percentage to pass one of my subjects, this particular lecturer always had an issue with me, you can ask any of the people in my class, she was a black woman, and whenever I asked for help I would be ignored, she walked right past me many times proceeding to help other students and excluding me. This is my future, I came there to learn, not to be excluded and be belittled by someone who has an unknown issue with me. This is unproffesional. A fellow student in my class needed over 100% for his final exam in order to pass, obviously not being possible, yet his final mark was 50% on the dot in his report. My mark remained at 33% after I had redone all of my work and had it checked by my friend who got 90% in this class. Now does this seem fair in anyway at all? I now have to repeat this class again, at inconvenient times, wasting my time, life and fuel of travelling because of someone who couldnt be proffesional in her field of work.

I would like to end this off by saying once again, I apologise to anyone I may have offended, I know for a fact there are wonderful black people, my maid is one of the nicest people I know and I have no issue with her at all, we laugh and joke on a regular basis with one another. I just made this status to try and show people that the media is quick to jump at any racism towards black people as it grabs huge amounts of attention, yet racism towards white people seems to be something that just doesnt happen or is ever spoken about? And permanently gets ignored.

This is why I generalise, because the majority of black skinned people I come across treat me like shit and look me up and down like im some worthless human being. Its not on guys, Apartheid ended 18 years ago now, my generation had nothing to do with it anyways so this racism against whites seriously needs to stop! I mind my own business, I dont ever look for reasons to go hating on black people, its just it seems as though they all have something against us whites to this day, and thats why I made such an angry status.
Lastly, the female who blew this whole thing out of proportion has an issue with me as her best friend (my girlfriend) basically wrote her off after calling us white trash over the phone and this is her way of getting back at me, not against “stopping racism”. Hence why all the comments such as “I wana blow their heads off with a shotgun” have no names next to them, to try and make me look like only “bad guy” in this whole thing.
I would just like to say one more time, I apologise to anyone else I offended, but hopefully you can see things through my eyes now, rather than hearing single sided views.

Ken Sinclair

Wednesday 2 May 2012

      The Power of Friendships
          *lost so many and gained none*

Written by: Experience

You need to be able to love in order to hate, resent, fear, respect, or be bitter towards anyone. No sense of feeling energies without the true base... Of LOVE...

Let's cruise on this ship we call friendship, waves can damage so many things, now you are left with a boat, but it cares too much weight and its so small, that onw you are just left with your own float jacket..
Through out the years we have met so many wonderful people, some we related to in so many different levels some we don't relate to at all.  There are those you just want to have a hold of your whole life because they make such a huge impact, they make a difference in what you believed could not be changed.
You don't choose your own family, you don't choose your life, but God gave us the chance to choose our friends but we can't keep them all.

Change..... There are so many changes that one undergo's in life, but right now the most painful change is that of difference, difference in choices, you and your friend want to be in different Universities because you are not the same people. This is where it all happens, u start loosing so many, and you gain none at all to even try replace, and fill in the missing spaces. You late realise you where so busy counting sand granules that are off no importance while you were loosing 1 precious stone.
A stone that doesn't shine to many but to you its the brightest of all. A stone that doesn't show of its worth, but to you its worth more than the universe can offer, a stone so precious that.... Even words can't explain but actions have to take over and change all things.....

Don't let your friendships end or loose value because of the distance. Those that know english say "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and indeed it does.  Just don't use that as a refuge to anything because not all hearts have the capability to grow fonder because they don't love.
Not all friend value each other the same way.

Some try to hard to keep their stones, some don't at all, but it takes a real friend to know and understand you at all times. It takes a true friend to remember you when times are hard and when they not, it takes a real friend to acknowledge another, it take absolute love of a real friend to know you are and always will be their STONE!!

But it takes a really true and honest friend to treasure you and protect you because you are their STONE.
You are your friends most worthy stone, therefore, you shall be treated like the diamond you true are...
If not..... Remember you will always....
Make so many, u will loose so many and you will gain none after that, because you are now only left with the best of the best.

So Thank God 4 keeping you safe!!!

I LOVE YOU all with your absence. You still are my STONES. But God knows more than I do.
1. Thando Mbanjwa
2. Rudo Mphasane
3. Sne "dot"  Khumalo
4. Thando Gumede
5. Tuleka Songxaba
6. Simelwe Mpofana
7. Snothando Zulu
*sad part is they all meant the world to me, now the world means nothing*

Sunday 29 April 2012

Poem by Sphena Nombuso Myaka 

Yuu only had a place on the heart of ma thoughts

When both our eyes observed and turned our thoughts beautiful;
When our hearts attract
... Why? ..
Cause they two different hearts
(Tha opposite attracts)

I'm in a total different situation
*I'm with an empty heart
* A fragile heart
* A lost heart
And an empty soul
And yuu attract all of tha above with yuur colourful soul and high energized heart ready to fill up mine ...
With every word yuu let slip your

With every electric touch that made ma blood rush;

See I had told yuu I was with an empty , lost , fragile heart ..
So yuu knew exactly what to do and you did it right ..
So at thus point , felt like I had have everythang in life , with juss only you in it
... Why? ...
Cause you tha one I'd call everyday , knew every single detail bout I .. And felt so good;
The one I'd run to in times of fear and teary moments.. ;
You'd let me fall into your arms;
Place your finger under ma chin and pull up ma face .. Tell me you here , right there so I aint gotta worry
And afterwards let me wear thus huge smile .. Brought light fugitivly

Until thus one day I .. I had found out I weren't tha only you did tha exact to;
Then suddenly .. Power shuts down ..
Em lights go off;
I fall .. Buh no yuu didn't catch me thus time around ;
And then tha heart gets empty by tha minute and I hear it breakin' as I lay there starring at tha roof top;
I am with no power , ma world juss shut
.. Come next morning;
I awaken ; only ta realize I had put yuu all up on ma head , the heart of ma thoughts and tha soul of ma physical hence I'm still breathin and livin happily ever without yuu;
... Why? ...
Cause somebody else is appreciatin what yuu didn't ..
Don't get mad now!
#Blows a kiss and walks away#

Monday 23 April 2012

Racism On Social Media!

Ken Sinclair status: Seriously, seriously, seriously had enough of the blacks in this country. Arrogant fucking swines, and I will make it my facebook status because I want them all to know. You are all fuck all without whites, you would still be in your little mud huts. Go on as if we owe you everything, we owe you shit! Expect everything for nothing and have the biggest attitudes I have ever come across. You will all fall short sooner or later…karma Ya like every fucking day u walk along and mind your own business and they walk straight into u as if they own the place, no decency to walk behind one another, in their mind the white must get out the way. Wherever you go they stand and stare you up and down as if youre some piece of shit. They always skinner in their retarded language. Their attitudes towards things are a joke, by far the laziest people I have ever come across. You go to the UK, the black people there are decent, its just these local SA fuckers that are so stuck up. And its bullshit man, its racism on another level, yet if a white says anything about it we are now “racist”. Fuck them, theyre the biggest bloody racists. And no I wasnt status bombed, if youre a darkie lover then go fuck one

If you arent a racist, go spend a day at Cape Tech, in town, you will wana join the KKK when you are done. Fucking brain dead monkeys

comments by others: All i will say ryt now, is ur opinion on the world changes seeing it from different eyes, u are fully entitled to ur opinion, and anyone that attends our tech will know it, no matter what race you may be, there is a different breed out there ruining our education and our complete matter of being.
yeh maybe this isnt the ryt way to spit it out there, but ken has a point. Dont let it get inbtwn gud ppl tho?? ANYWAY. aslong as they not striking as usual:)

His reply: Exactly Sam…all I’m trying to say is that it was always seen as whites being the racists, yet no one considers them being the racists? Theres something about university students that I just cannot take. Old black people, that actually suffered the shit of apartheid, are possibly the nicest people you can come across, humble, kind old people. But these youngsters of today seem to think that they are owed everything, yet they didnt even go through it. And people that havent been to varsity cant have a say because they arent exposed to it. But they seriously seriously are ruining our education and our country. And its about time we speak up man

other comments: Tomorrow will be better day Ken. 

his reply: I hope so Ange..this week has been so kak so far…purely coz of being around them

other comments: The students at UCT in Res are some of the most dedicated… Way more dedicated than any of the other students…

his reply: good for them

other comments: taking freedom of speech to a new level!!

his reply: Ya needs to be said. People are to skaam to open their mouths
other comments: Ken, I know how you feel brother, I studied at the Belleville campus, was the worst, don’t let it get you down though.

his reply: haha ohhhhh shit! That place needs flood lights on to see where you going. Dunno how you managed that

other comment: I didn’t, that whole place is going to fucking hell. So glad I left. So much happier dude.
his reply: hahaha Alex!! Ya man, I’ll just stick it out, not too long left

“Sometimes i just wanna pull out a fucking pump-action shotgun and do the deed.FUCK”

A reply by Anna: “ken with all respect, your status and consequent comments are riddled with generalizations and racist ideology. there is a difference between freedom of speech and hate speech. your misguided views encroach upon the dignity of an entire group of people, which shows your intolerance and arrogance. and your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance. your blanket generalizations made from your seemingly petty observations have no legitimate ground. your insinuation that this country belongs to white people and that the presence of black people is an encroachment of your right to it is rather ignorant. it shows your deep lack of understanding of the history of this country. quite frankly if you have these negative views, perhaps your presence in the UK would be welcomed. just to recap your words about “blacks”, “arrogant fucking swines” “fuck all without whites” “retarded language”. the irony of these words showcase your white supremacist indoctrination and lack of real education. emancipate your mind!”

His reply: “ya because blacks are idiots. just cause you cant get white guys doesnt mean you must now hate on us? if youre stupid enough to believe whites arent supreme then it shows your lack of knowledge…what has a black ever invented? Rome 2000 years ago was more advanced than Africa today…so maybe you need to brush up on your knowledge? But you like having sex with blacks, which in my view is fucking disgusting, but thats my opinion so whatever, go fuck some more blacks”


This post is taken directly from: Ceoplatinumbarb's Blog.
Just another WordPress.com site.
Above is the racist rant found on Facebook! Please forward this to everyone you know and take a stance against open racism and hate speech on social networks! View the link http://t.co/ZYMs8hPd for more comments by Ken Sinclair when he justifies himself.

Friday 20 April 2012

Khumalo Snethemba

Are you that typa person that has a style signature? That wherever you are they know you are a short things person?  That wears dresses only? Limiting yourself from  fearing that you will not pull them off? Well youve come to the right place! Its very important that as a person especialy youth that you have your fun in all aspects of your life. Take away that stigma and be versatile. Try out new things, play around with your clothes, turn that closet up side down and leave that room messy in the morning if need be. Who cares? we young and wild and free!!!! hahahaha yup thats right! You would be surprised at how even hotter you look in other items of clothing. So today we have a young lady here in different styles ofcourse not all that exist in the world of fashion but personally think she rocks all those she has on and so can you. Do pick a thing or two and hopefully this will get you to finally wear thaaat lil black number youve been keeping all along in your collection this weekend. Otherwise from me have an amazeballs weekend, look good, feel great and have a blast. Look out for more street style to see numerous other cray cray styles out there. Enjoy! 

Nothing too much just keep it simple.You can add a blazer and neckpiece to create that edgy feel to it.

 My boyfriend jeans....who doesnt want them? Rock it with any shirt for that "boyfriend" look but blend it with some nice colours for that feminine element as well. You are a woman afterall.

 We all know those people that must have accessories in every outfit and love metallics. Well there you have it.Not too loud or too quiet for you not to be noticed.

Who said short means skanky? You can still do short and look classy n respectable. Yes?  No? Letssss

Incase you thought sophisticated and glamor dont mix. Think again!  Dont forget a pair of shades or a chunky solid neckpice to complete the look.

This winter is all about print on print and colour *KardashianTip
Be careful not to mix too much. No leopard, zebra and tiger print at once please.

Very relaxed and allowing. You can wear it with your sandals and go to the mall with your friends or grab
your sexy clutch bag and you'll be ready to go.

NB: Feel free to interact with us on our twitter page DurbaBella and tell us what you think!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

University of Life
Writer: Nonzuzo Dlamini

I read somewhere that we keep making the same mistakes until we learn our lessons and so I thought: how many lessons do we learn in one day and I’m not talking about the lectures where we go and pretend to be listening to the lecturer when all we actually want to do is put our signature on the register and leave (that’s if you couldn’t get someone to sign for you). Each and every day offers a chance to learn and often we are too busy trying to figure things out, we never really learn lessons and that’s why we never stop making the same mistakes. I recently spent half of my day stuck at E.G Malherbe library typing up an assignment which I was to submit the following day (It’s relevant to add that we were given this assignment right at the beginning of the semester). People arrived and left and I was still sitting in the same spot typing away. There was that thrill that comes with that adrenalin rush which comes with rushing to meet a deadline but the reality was I was in fact another one of those people who complain about never having time but never really spend their time doing productive things – the procrastinator. The deadline was met (with the aid of Coffee and some copying and pasting) but the cycle continued to another assignment and it was at that point that I finally learnt the essence of the saying, “Procrastination is the thief of time”. How many of us have that thing that you’ve been meaning to do but never quite find the time to do it? Perhaps it’s starting to save some of your extra cash, maybe it’s quitting bad habits like biting your nails, smoking or overcoming that addiction you have with shoes or beer or maybe you’ve been meaning to start something new, maybe start going to the gym or like students always say when a new year starts, devote more time to your studies? Perhaps it’s telling that special someone just how much they mean to you or that over-demanding, underpaying boss just what you think of them? (I don’t advise that unless you have something to fall back on. It’s tough economic times). Truth is we all have those things we either need or want to do but we never really do them, sometimes it’s fear and sometimes it’s just pure laziness. If its fear, I ask you, what would you do if you weren’t afraid? When you have the answer to that, go out and like Nike says: Just do it! (On condition that it puts you in no trouble with either your value system or the law).Go out live and take note of the lessons life has to teach you. Tertiary education gets us qualifications, jobs and all the things money can buy (well, most of them) but it’s the University of life that grooms us to be people and take all the things life throws at us when we aren’t making busy making money…