Tuesday 13 March 2012


Pethelo(in the middle) with mates
Inspired by the youth of the world that wakes up every morning to try their best to fulfill their dreams, Quest re-interprets this in a totally modern way. This observation always left me with a question, “Why is the city of Durban so busy?” and luckily for me I found my answer in 2012.
This year (2012) I found an answer to my everyday question that concerns the influx of people in the city during the day. This philosophy then encouraged me to come up with a clothing label that will carry a message understood by every young individual. Message being: “WE ARE ON A QUEST.”  This was also an answer to my previous question, it became clear to me that everybody is searching for something; as the day starts we all wake up and worry about what the day has in store for us. The QUEST clothing label is meant to encourage the other person to keep pushing, to strive to be a better someone, and not to stop. And so when you come across someone wearing a QUEST t-shirt, you’ll then know that I’m not alone, somebody else out there is also on a QUEST, somebody else out there is also searching for something just like me.

 Using only the luxurious organic cottons and eco-friendly leathers with minimal chemicals used in the tanning process, Quest consistently produces a tight collection of sought-after t-shirts.
Worn by musicians like Shota of Afro-rawmantic fame, Bucie /Demor of Demor Music,and fashion-forward individuals like you, each Quest customer appreciates the time, thought and effort that have gone into each high quality, quirky piece.

QST/ QUEST clothing brand is developed by Imagination Design founded by Phethelo Nkosi in 2009 as a part-time interest and has evolved into Olwethu Designs (Pty) Ltd Olwethu is run by a team of qualified professionals with years of experience between them. That experience includes business administration, information technology, company branding, website designing, fashion design and marketing.Our clients range from individuals, private companies and close corporations.

For more information contact us on (084 999 0962) email(info@imaginationdesign.co.za), visit our website www.imaginationdesign.co.za





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