Thursday 22 March 2012

Meet Zaba Simbine before tonight's Live show at 9pm on SABC 1!!

Tell us about yourself?
My full name is Zabalazile Amanda Simbine but as you know, I’m known as Zaba. I’m from Glenwood, Durban and I’m a radio presenter on East Coast Radio and the Face of Sass Diva’s New Jewellery Range. I absolutely LOVE people, so much so I speak an array of different languages (purely because I never want to go anywhere and not be able to speak to people). I’m sassy, vibrant, young and passionate about life. I walk with God and was raised by the most amazing parents any daughter could ever ask for. Essentially my parents taught me everything about my trade and groomed me into the hard working young lass I am today. I was groomed to be an entertainer from the young age of 3, and at 22 years old…it’s all paying off.

What is presenting to you?
As I said in the question above, I was groomed as an entertainer. I was a child model, sang in the choir, played clarinet in the orchestra, did ballet since I was 5 (yes…I play the clarinet and am a trained ballet dancer…weird…I know) and I’m on radio currently so TV for me was a natural progression in rounding up the brand and bringing Zaba to the South African masses.
For me it’s not just about presenting, it’s about being and entertainer. And being able to change lives. I want to show the world that impossible is just a word and inspire little girls and young women all over South Africa and eventually around the world. I was blessed with a gift, and that gift is making people happy and that is exactly what I intend to do.
The fact that I’ve gone through is still so surreal to me. If you were at the auditions you would know there were THOUSANDS of hopefuls so congratulations to Wade and Mthoko for coming this far and flying iflag yakwaZulu.

They say the media world can either make or break sosmeone how prepared are you for that?
You’ve got to stay focused. Focus is the name of the game. If you know what you want and you have your eyes on the prize, nothing will deter you. Surround yourself with positivity, when it’s all too much, speak to your parents and stay humble. It’s a formula that will never fail. But I can’t re-iterate it enough… F.O.C.U.S

Sell yourself in 10 words..
Oh damnit…wait don’t start my word count yet…I’m the girl with the eclectic smile, my name is Zaba.

Check out Zaba's confidence as she impress the judges on this live audition video... ;)

Durban wishes you the best!! Keep flying the KZN flag higher!!


  1. your surname is Xitsonga/shangaan but you can't speak it...!

  2. Her surname is not Xitsonga/shangaan
