Tuesday 22 May 2012


Over the past decade we have seen many beauty and fashion trends come and go. When we look back there are some trends to this day we wish we never laid eyes on or even wore. Fashion trends are there to be followed but keep in mind that at the end of the day it is all about self  expression and individuality (you wear what you are most comfortable with).  There are some fashion trends that we wish we could wear forever. Well, some things will never  go out of fashion because they are classics and they are here to stay. Jucy is reviewing some of the beauty and fashion trends that are cool and we wish to see them come back again and again and  also some not so cool ones that we never want  to see again.

Beauty/Make- up trends we love:

The red lip:

The full brow:

The clean, fresh make up:

Beauty trends we don’t want to see:

Hungry look lipstick with a black eye liner

colored eyeshadow gone wrong

shaving off eyebrows then drawing them back on

Fashion trends we love to see :

High waist jeans:

Color blocking
The animal print

Trends we don’t want to see ever!

Jelly shoes

Reversible jackets

 and Overriding thongs…..

I'm sure we all recognize all of these trends and cringe everytime we see the ones we consider don'ts!! If any of your friends or family members are still very keen on the don'ts its best you find a very pleasant way of saying "That used to be so cute back then" without hurting their feelings LOL. Gud luck n keep looking super phly Durban Bellas!!!

adapted from an article from Jucy Africa :)

Thursday 17 May 2012

Interview with Eleigh Kheswa
Fashion Blogger behind Eleigh's Kist>> http://www.eleighskist.blogspot.com/! Loocha Magazine Ambassador! Juice, Candy & Food Freak! Aspiring Fashion Stylist & Businesswoman!
                                                    Live • Love • Style

Q:   Tell us about yourself?

Eleigh: My name is Neliswa Kheswa but I’m popularly known as Eleigh. I’m from a little township in the South Coast of Durban called Magabheni. I have two younger half-sisters. I am a student from the University of KwaZulu Natal currently studying towards a degree in Environmental Management.
Q:  Describe yourself in less than 10 words...
Eleigh:  I’m all things fashion!
Q: What does blogging mean to you?
 Eleigh:  I started blogging as a hobby because I love fashion, dressing up and looking good at all times. Having a blog is the most exciting thing ever. When I get an email or a comment from one of your viewers telling me how much they love my style and the fact that I affordable clothes on the blog.  I’m also on Twitter and Facebook, although I mostly use my Facebook for promoting my blog rather than personal networking.
Q: Your inspiration is...
Eleigh: I’m inspired by bloggers like Solange Knowles, Olivia Lopez and Aimee Song. Their style is AMAZING and they are also talented in the arts in general and not just fashion. What keeps me motivated is seeing bloggers like the ones I mentioned and striving to get to where they are today. I’m also motivated by people who believe in me and trust that I have potential to do something great.
Q:  Which time would u say was the hardest in your life?
Eleigh:  I would have to say the hardest thing I have had to deal with is finding a reliable photographer. It’s hard being a fashion blogger when you don’t have a camera of your own and having to rely on others to take pictures for (of) you.
Q:  Taken?
Eleigh: Lol Yes I am taken. I’ve been in a committed relationship for 4 years now and he is a wonderful man! He has been very supportive with my blog and trying to get my views up, he has truly been amazing.
Q: How many times have u been properly inlove?
Eleigh: I am deeply in love right now! I can’t explain it. It’s one of those things that you have to experience for yourself and then you will know.
Q:  The last time u were at church was in....
Eleigh: The last time I was in church was during the Easter Weekend at St. Brides Anglican Church.
Q: Ever had a rumour spead about u?
Eleigh: Rumours? I don’t pay attention to those!
Q: What are your short term goals?
Eleigh: Apart from working in the environmental industry I also want to study something within the arts department. In terms of my blog… I see myself travelling to fashion capitals and exploring their fashion industries, learning more about fashion and buying. Attending all the fashion shows and getting front row seats! Lol quite a dream huh? I also want to open a boutique sometime in the near future.
Q: What are your long term goals?
Eleigh: Being successful in whatever I do and enjoying it. Having a wonderful marriage and a beautiful family to go home to everyday. Nothing beats that!
The end.
Interview by @Q_Canyeel for @DurbanBella. Eleigh is on twitter @Eleighs_Kist

Monday 14 May 2012

Open Letter To Katlego Danke’s Weave...

I've heard some of my mates complain about "Dineo's" weave and I really wanted to let Durban know that you are not the only ones that are worried.

Reblogged from Just Curious
Source: http://www.justcurious.co.za/2012/02/open-letter-to-katlego-dankes-weave/

Written in February 29, 2012 by   

Dear Katlego Danke’s weave.

For me to sit down and actually write this letter to you, its either I’m bored and have no life at all, or am traumatized beyond belief. I would like to believe it’s the latter.
First things I would like to know;
  • “What are you?”
  • What is your ambition in life?
  • Do you have goals?
  • Is there anything you want to achieve in life?
Your situation is currently not “relaxed” at all.

Your bonding is certainly not making anyone bond with you right now, even that lady whose head you are laying on is not bonding with you because you have managed to make her look like Abigail Kubheka and Thandie Klassen’s peer. Actually those two legends look younger than Miss Danke at this current point in time.

What you are doing should be made illegal, as you are not only torturing that beautiful lady’s face, but you are also torturing a whole nation every day of the week at 8pm.

For a whole year you looked like a helmet and everyone got used to you and forgave you, but now you have taken it too far.

You have more highlights than an episode of “Soccer Zone”. I have seen a brewing pot of Chakalaka that has more order and better synchronization than you. What you are doing is called abuse, The other day I had to call POWA.

I told the lady from POWA; “Madame! Madame! there’s a woman on my screen who is getting beat up by her weave everyday an, and no one is doing anything to help her. “  They said they’d look further into the matter.

I felt that was not enough; I then called the SPCA and told the man who answered the phone; “Sir! Sir! There’s this beautiful lady who’s walking around with this animal on her head, I think it’s an endangered specie that everyone thought that had gotten extinct during the “Ice Age”.

They also said they’ll look into the matter.

The struggle that is happening on Kay-Dee’s head is really unjust, Hector Pieterson and the youth of the Apartheid era did not die for “The Struggle” to continue on Katli’s head, and I’m afraid their spirits might just rise and go riot outside the Generations studios, so therefore this situation should be declared a state of emergency.

I honestly refuse to believe that you are South African and therefore will also call Home Affairs to check whether you are legally here in the country, because we already know that you are situated illegally on Katli’s head.

At least when you were shaped like a helmet, we all took a comfort in knowing that if Kay-Dee ever decided to be a biker chick, she would always be safe and protected, but now you are un-safe for all.
I hear that last week one blind lady miraculously got her vision back but unfortunately her eyes opened up while watching Generations and the first thing she saw was you, reclining unfortunately on Katli’s head. The poor woman asked to be blind again, with immediate effect.

Enough is Enough! If this situation is not sorted out as soon as possible, I will have no choice but to ask Mercy Phakela to perform a one night only extravaganza to raise funds for you to get a nicely laid Lace-front wig.
In the meantime I have asked my people to negotiate with Bonang Matheba to donate  some of her “Diva Devine” left-overs.

Oh dear weave you have really hurt my feelings more than you have hurt Katli’s face.

I know that she gave up good hair for lent, but her lent has been going on for over two years now, I’m sure even the lawd will agree with me; Its time to move on to good hair.

I will pray for you more than I pray for myself.

Sincerely yours.
Concerned Citizen Zamani Khethelo